Water Well

Wild Horse Foundation

New Water Well

The Foundation would like to extend our deepest appreciation and Thanks to Johnny Williams, Williams Water Wells of Kosse, Texas for his expert skills and timely manner for putting out water well in just in time for the winter.

Normally this time of year we would have a wet season for the winter rye grass to kick in but not this year.  Without the newest well being put in and our 4 additional stock tanks (ponds to other folks) we have plenty of water for the horses.

After some careful sipping, of the fresh new water, a few more come over a try it, and they look up and tell us to get back to work.  Keep the water running!

Again, without proper ranch management, long term goals in range management no ranch could survive in Texas in a drought. 

All key personal at the Foundation obtain no less that 50 CEU’s each year in ranch/range/equine management making it one of the best in the country.  Dedication-Education-Consistency are key proper management tools in any Animal Rescue Organization.  

 Make sure you plan to attend the Texas A&M University Equine Workshop to be held in February.

This year they have new speakers, presentation, more topics for this 3 day event.  Contact 979-845-1562 for more information or registration.  You can obtain 24 hours of CEU’s if your needing credits.