The Wild Horse Foundation has received many shipments of wild horses from the BLM that did not have current shots only coggins and the Assistant State Vet here in Texas regarded these as questionable, and over 40 wild horses came down with Rhino and the owner had to put many down at their expense and many or most they financially paid to bring back to health, $11,900.00 later, after I talked to the Washington acting Director Don Glenn, all he could say was, It happens and listed things like, climate, weather, age of horses, and it sounded like he kept saying that these horses didn’t required these shots due to sell authority restraints. Why aren’t the Nonprofit Groups allowed in to Inspect the BLM facilities, these are Open to the Public, owned by the Public and should be held to Public scrutiny and standards! I applaud the comment, What No Animal Police for them! Who are they, Better than Us. (HSUS) Original author
Saturday, September 29, 2007
The Aftermath
Yesterday, Betty Lee Kelly of Wild Horse Spirit, Ltd. visited BLM’s Palomino Valley wild horse and burro holding facility in Northern Nevada due to an outbreak of salmonella that has claimed at least 130 wild horses since the outbreak began.
Conversations with John Neill, Palomino Valley’s Center Manager, revealed little about the latest crisis wild horses are facing, preferring instead to refer any questions to Nevada Wild Horse & Burro Lead, Susie Stoke who was unavailable for comment.
The facility is currently holding 1,350 wild horses of which 850 are estimated as remaining from the Jackson Mountain Herd Management Area removals. Official reports for the Jackson Mountain HMA stated 990 wild horses were removed between 8/28/07 and 9/14/07 with six being destroyed and one fatality.
Symptoms included diarrhea and death but when questioned about the number of wild horses that might be affected, Neill’s only reply was “cultures have been taken on several horses”.
Despite their current condition, it is unknown if wild horses may still be shipped to other facilities such as the Carson Prison or “elsewhere”.
Cattoor Livestock Roundups was the contractor used for the Jackson Mountain wild horse removals and questions about Cattoor’s trailers being sanitized since discovering the Salmonella outbreak were also met with uncertainty.
Photos of the Sheldon-Hart Wildlife Refuge 2006 wild horse round up performed by BLM contractor Dave Cattoor. Courtesy of American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign. |
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