Inner City Aids kids enjoy Wild Rides.
Every year we help host Aids Children Camps, Foster Parents and Adoptive Parents Camps to help them all learn about our great American Heritage and what parts wild horses and burros play in building this great land.
While one of the kids is so interested in what makes a wild horse, one of our volunteers talks with him and shares viewpoints.
Excited and not knowing what Star Dust our BLM mustang might do, you’ll notice Star Dust was wondering what the inner city kid will do. Our Executive Director leads the horse around and only after many kids went for a ride with her and then the other horses and burros decided it was all good.
After about a zillion rounds we gave the horse and burros a break or did they give us a break. All the kids and our volunteers decided it was such a great event we scheduled another event next year. We all ate Bar-B-Q and ice cream while our friends took a must deserved break.
After many rides, these special kids, many with AIDS were able to enjoy outdoor country life even for an afternoon.
Thanks to the many volunteers from the Wild Horse Foundation and there wild horses, burros and mules.