Clincian Kenny Kleinsasser

Kenny Kleinsasser, Ferrier

Kenny has proven to be a great asset to all our horses.  He is excellent with horse owners and horses showing them why proper fit, angle and balance makes for an easy ride.  He graduated from the Oklahoma State Ferrier school a few years ago and his continued success and quest for knowledge has lead him to be one of the best ferriers around.  You can also catch him at many of the cross country events assisting horses and riders during competition. 

Kenny shows several of the volunteers how to forge a horse shoe and why it’s important to do so.

Kenny explains angles and pitch on forging a shoe.

Kenny prepares Monica’s horse for feet work and the trimming.

Monica prepares her horse by getting her to stand square for Kenny to start working. it’s important to remember to hold your horse with a relaxed line, never taught or fixed.