Ray Field, Executive Director, Susan Calhoun, President, Wild Horse Foundation, and Congressman Chet Edwards have meeting in College Station, Texas. Congressional District 17. Mr. Edward’s supported the wild horse issues for there protection. |
Chuck Norris, World Champion Karate and top cop in Walker, Texas Rangers, top center, clock wise- Ray Field, Executive Director-WHF, Susan Calhoun, President-WHF, Chris and Dana Price, Annette from Sweden. Thanksgiving 2003. While we were all sharing a little of the holidays. |
During a break from doing Gentling Demos at the Western States Wild Horse and Burro Expo in Reno this past year, 2003 Ray and Susan had the pleasure of meeting and talking to Texan Donovan Tea. Maybe he will be at our Fall clinic in 2004. |
Congressman Chris Bell and newly elected President Ray Field of the BTCC award outgoing President Ann Starr for her job well done. Ray will serve as president for 1 year. |